dApp Store

by Solana Mobile

Publish web3 apps for Solana Sage phone
Supported Chains
Solana LogoSolana
SDK Languages
Android logoAndroid
Solana mobile logo
value insights

Quick Fact

The Solana Saga mobile phone features the Seed Vault, a secure environment that isolates private keys and seed phrases from the application layer, ensuring enhanced security for digital asset transactions​​.

The Solana dApp Store is a dedicated app store for dApps on Solana's flagship Saga Android mobile phone. It allows developers to establish direct relationships with users, bypassing traditional app store fees and restrictions. This enhances user experience by enabling seamless transactions across various dApps, including DeFi protocols, NFT marketplaces, and web3 applications, all accessible from mobile devices​.

No Platform Fees

Unlike traditional app stores, the Solana dApp Store does not charge platform fees, enabling developers to offer their applications without losing revenue to intermediary costs. This fee-free environment is particularly advantageous for developers seeking to maximize their earnings and reinvest in their projects.

Enhanced Security and Compliance

The Solana dApp Store incorporates robust security measures, including protections against spam, malicious software, and illegal content. This ensures a safe user environment while maintaining the high-security standards necessary for web3 applications. Additionally, the store's policies are designed to be developer-friendly, promoting innovation while ensuring compliance with legal and ethical standards.​