Network APIs

by Infura (Consensys)

Infura provides developers with a robust infrastructure, powerful APIs, and secure, reliable access to the Ethereum and IPFS networks to simplify the process of building Web 3.0 projects.
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Quick Fact

Infura has powered over 12 billion Ethereum requests per day.

Infura provides the necessary infrastructure and scalability for developers to build and operate decentralized applications (dApps) on Ethereum and IPFS networks. It offers reliable, scalable access to Ethereum and IPFS nodes, removing the need for developers to manage their own infrastructure, thus enabling faster and more efficient web3 development.

Scalability and Performance

Infura allows your web3 project to effectively scale without worrying about node operations and infrastructure. This means you can concentrate on building your application itself without getting bogged down by maintaining nodes. Furthermore, Infura's infrastructure is globally distributed and highly reliable, ensuring top-notch performance and uptime for your web3 project.

Interacting with Ethereum Blockchain

Infura provides you with easy API access to the Ethereum network. If your web3 project involves any interaction with Ethereum blockchain, Infura is a significant asset. You can send requests, deploy smart contracts, or query transaction histories effortlessly, saving significant time and resources that you can allocate elsewhere in your project.

Integrating IPFS

Integration of IPFS allows your web3 project to leverage decentralized storage and bandwidth. Using Infura, you can directly connect to the IPFS network, enabling you to add and retrieve files directly from it. This provides a solution to bandwidth issues, offering increased availability and enhanced speed performance.

Talk with one of our experts to find out how to make your next project a success.