
by Alchemy

Alchemy provides a robust blockchain developer platform that empowers web3 projects with scalable infrastructure and tools for efficient creation, testing, and running of applications.
Supported Chains
matic.svgPolygon PoS
zkevm.svgPolygon zkEVM
arbitrum.svgArbitrum One
Solana LogoSolana
starknet logoStarknet
astar logoAstar
SDK Languages
TS and JS logoJavaScript/TypeScript
value insights

Quick Fact

Alchemy powers $15 billion in transactions and works with 70% of the top Ethereum apps.

Alchemy provides a powerful developer platform that simplifies the process of building on the blockchain for web3 projects. Its tools and services offer essential infrastructure that increases reliability, enables scalability, and enhances the development speed of decentralized applications (dApps) across various blockchain networks.

Blockchain Infrastructure

With Alchemy, you'll benefit from Web3 infrastructure that has been optimized for reliability and performance. This platform will help your project handle more user traffic and transactions at a faster speed. The enhanced reliability and performance can lead to a better user experience and potentially more user engagement with your project.

Scalability Solution

Alchemy provides a scalable infrastructure that can grow with your Web3 project. As your project gains traction and attracts more users, Alchemy's infrastructure can handle the increased demand. This means that your team can focus on building and enhancing your project, instead of spending time on managing and scaling the infrastructure.

Developer Tools and Support

Alchemy offers a variety of developer tools that can streamline the creation and implementation of your project. These include tools for debugging, monitoring, and enhancing your project's performance. Moreover, Alchemy's support team is committed to helping you succeed, providing you with expert technical assistance whenever you need it.

Talk with one of our experts to find out how to make your next project a success.