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How To Mint A Music NFT on BNB Smart Chain
In this guide, you will create and deploy a piece of music as an ERC721 NFT to the BSC Testnet using Remix and MetaMask.
Created September 30, 2022Intermediate
BNB Smart ChainIPFSNFTsRemix.IDESolidity
How to Run a BNB Smart Chain Node
This guide will teach you how to set up and run your own BNB Smart Chain node.
Created August 26, 2022Intermediate
BNB Smart ChainInfrastructure
How to Create a BEP20 Token
This guide will walk you through how to create your very own BEP20 Token.
Created July 3, 2022Intermediate
BNB Smart ChainBEP20MetaMaskRemix.IDE
Como crear un Token BEP20
Esta guía te guiará en el proceso de como crear tu propio token BEP20.
Created January 10, 2022Intermediate
BNB Smart ChainBEP20EspañolMetaMaskRemix.IDE
How to Listen For Newly Minted Tokens on PancakeSwap
This guide will walk you through how to make a bot that listens for and buys newly minted tokens on the PancakeSwap DEX using Ethers.js.
Created July 21, 2021Intermediate
BNB Smart ChainBotsDeFiEthers.jsJavaScriptMetaMaskPancakeSwapSmart Contracts