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How to Build a Real-Time Token Transfer Indexer with QuickNode Streams and Functions
In this guide, we'll walk you through creating a real-time token transfer indexer using QuickNode's Streams and Functions. This system will monitor ERC20, ERC721, and ERC1155 token transfers on the Base blockchain, process the data, and send enriched information to a webhook for further use.
Created July 27, 2024Intermediate
BaseERC1155ERC20FunctionsIPFSQuickNode ProductRPCStreams
Como crear y lanzar un ERC-721 (NFT)
Esta guía cubrirá la parte de creación y lanzamiento de nuestro propio ERC-721 (NFT) usando una librería de smart contract 0xcert/ethereum-erc721
Created December 27, 2021Intermediate