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Hardhat Guides

20 guides
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How to Create and Deploy an ERC404 Token

This guide details the process of creating and deploying an ERC-404 token, showcasing the smart contract creation process, testing, and deployment techniques specific to Ethereum (and other EVM chains). It aims to equip developers with the skills needed to launch their own ERC-404 smart contract effectively.

Created February 16, 2024Intermediate
EthereumERC404Smart ContractsSolidityTypeScript

How to Build an Auto Yielding Contract on Blast

In this guide, you will learn more about the Blast, an Ethereum L2 with native yield for ETH and stablecoins. Later, we will show you how to create, deploy, and interact with a vault smart contract that earns yield automatically.

Created February 1, 2024Beginner

🎥 What is Chainlink's CCIP?

A video explaining what is Chainlink's CCIP and how it works.

Created October 14, 2023BeginnerVideo
CCIPChainlinkCross-chainNFTsSmart Contracts

How to Mint an NFT Across Different Blockchains using Chainlink CCIP

In this guide, users learn how to mint an NFT on one blockchain from another using the Chainlink Cross-Chain Interoperability Protocol (CCIP).

Created September 28, 2023IntermediateVideo
AvalanchePolygonCCIPChainlinkCross-chainNFTsSmart Contracts

How To Deploy a Solidity Smart Contract on Solana using Neon

Learn the basics of Neon, how to deploy a smart contract using Solidity and Hardhat, and how to perform tests to ensure it works as intended.

Created September 26, 2023Beginner

How To Approve Token Transfers Without Spending Gas Using EIP-2612

In this guide, you will learn how to deploy a ERC-20 permit contract (using the EIP-2612 standard) and approve token transfers without spending gas.

Created February 24, 2023Beginner

Different Ways to Verify Your Smart Contract Code

In this guide, you will learn the different ways to verify your smart contract source code using Etherscan, Remix.IDE, Hardhat, Brownie, and Foundry.

Created February 15, 2023IntermediateVideo
EthereumBrownieEtherscanFoundryRemix.IDESmart Contracts

How to Create A Soulbound Token

In this guide, you will learn about Soulbound tokens and why they are useful. You will also learn how to deploy a Soulbound token contract on Sepolia using Hardhat.

Created February 1, 2023Beginner
EthereumJavaScriptNFTsSmart Contracts

How To Create A 10K NFT Collection on Arbitrum Nova

In this guide, we show you the steps needed to create your own 10,000 NFT Collection on Arbitrum Nova using Solidity, JavaScript, and a non-custodial wallet.

Created January 30, 2023Intermediate
Arbitrum NovaJavaScriptNFTs

How to Deploy a Smart Contract on Arbitrum Nova

This guide will show you how to build, deploy and interact with a simple storage smart contract on Arbitrum Nova using well-known developer tools such as QuickNode and Hardhat.

Created January 13, 2023Intermediate
Arbitrum NovaJavaScriptSmart ContractsSolidity