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Polygon Guides

11 guides
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Building a Multi-Chain NFT Analytics App

This guide will show you how to build a multi-chain NFT analytics app.

Updated January 8, 2024Intermediate

🎥 What is LayerZero and How to Use it?

A video explaining what is LayerZero and how to send a cross-chain message using LayerZero.

Updated November 6, 2023BeginnerVideo

How to Mint an NFT Across Different Blockchains using Chainlink CCIP

In this guide, users learn how to mint an NFT on one blockchain from another using the Chainlink Cross-Chain Interoperability Protocol (CCIP).

Updated September 28, 2023IntermediateVideo
PolygonAvalancheHardhatSmart ContractsNFTs

🎙️ On-Chain Report ep3: Zero Knowledge Cryptography with Brendan Farmer

In episode 3, we met with Brendan Farmer, co-founder at Polygon, to talk zero-knowledge cryptography and the rise of the zkEVM.

Updated August 18, 2023BeginnerVideo
zkEVMPolygonZero-Knowledge Proofs

How to Create and Deploy a Smart Contract on Polygon zkEVM

This guide will teach you how to create and deploy a coin flip smart contract on the Polygon zkEVM testnet using Remix.IDE and QuickNode.

Updated March 29, 2023Intermediate
PolygonzkEVMRemix.IDESmart Contracts

What is Polygon zkEVM?

This guide will give you an overview of Polygon zkEVM and its use for smart contracts, allowing developers to create secure and private decentralized applications.

Updated March 23, 2023Beginner
PolygonzkEVMZero-Knowledge Proofs

How to Deploy a Smart Contract on Polygon

In this guide, we will learn more about the Polygon chain and how to deploy a smart contract on Polygon.

Updated January 13, 2023IntermediateVideo

How to Create an NFT Marketplace on the Polygon Blockchain

This guide will teach you how to create and deploy an NFT marketplace smart contract on the Polygon Mumbai test network using Hardhat. You will also learn how to test and interact with your deployed marketplace contract using Ethers.js.

Updated December 7, 2022Intermediate

How to Mint NFTs Using the ERC721A Implementation

This guide will teach you about the ERC721A implementation and how to deploy and mint NFTs from an ERC721A contract using Hardhat.

Updated May 13, 2022Intermediate

How to Create and Deploy a Factory ERC-1155 Contract on Polygon using Truffle

This guide will show you how to create and deploy a Factory ERC-1155 smart contract on Polygon using Truffle.

Updated March 28, 2022Intermediate