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Python Guides

16 guides
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How to Create a Staking Vault Smart Contract with ApeWorX/ape

This guide teaches how to create and deploy a staking vault smart contract using the ApeWorX (ape) framework on Ethereum. It covers setting up an Ape project, writing ERC-20 and ERC-4626 vault contracts in Vyper, testing the contracts, and deploying them to the Sepolia testnet.

Created June 28, 2024Intermediate
EthereumApeERC20ERC4626 DeFiSmart ContractsVyper

How to Validate Incoming Streams Webhook Messages

In this guide, you will learn how to ensure the integrity and authenticity of incoming webhook messages by verifying HMAC signatures using Python. You will retrieve the necessary headers, prepare the payload, and execute a Python script to perform signature verification.

Created May 3, 2024Beginner
EthereumQuickNode ProductSecurityStreams

How to Send ERC-20 Tokens using and Python

This comprehensive guide covers the steps to send ERC-20 tokens on the Ethereum blockchain using with Python.

Created November 19, 2023Intermediate

How to Audit Ethereum Wallet Activity using

In this guide, users will learn how to audit wallet activity on Ethereum using Python.

Created November 1, 2023Intermediate

How to Send Transactions with EIP-1559 and Legacy Methods using Python

In this guide, you will learn how to send transactions with EIP-1559 and Legacy Methods on Ethereum using Python and library.

Created July 11, 2023Beginner

Transaction Calldata Demystified - A Guide to Understanding Transaction Calldata on Ethereum

This guide will teach you how to decode transaction calldata so you can better comprehend other transactions you come across. By the end of the guide, you’ll also learn how to encode and decode programmatically with and Python.

Created January 23, 2023Beginner

How to Fetch Transaction History on Ethereum using

In this guide, we will demonstrate the different ways in which you can retrieve transaction history on Ethereum.

Created June 3, 2022Intermediate

Pending and Queued Transactions Explained

In this guide, we will teach you about the Pending and Queued state of transactions on the Ethereum network. We will also demonstrate how to request data programmatically with Python and, using our handy QuickNode endpoints as the infrastructure to communicate with the Ethereum network.

Created March 18, 2022Beginner

How to deploy a smart contract with Brownie

This guide, we will learn about Brownie, a Python-based tool used to write and deploy smart contracts.

Created July 23, 2021Intermediate

Estimating gas price using pending transactions in Python

This guide will give you an in-depth walkthrough of how to estimate gas price using pending transactions in Python.

Created February 20, 2021Intermediate
EthereumGasGas Estimation APIMarketplace