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Vyper Guides

4 guides
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How to Create a Staking Vault Smart Contract with ApeWorX/ape

This guide teaches how to create and deploy a staking vault smart contract using the ApeWorX (ape) framework on Ethereum. It covers setting up an Ape project, writing ERC-20 and ERC-4626 vault contracts in Vyper, testing the contracts, and deploying them to the Sepolia testnet.

Created June 28, 2024Intermediate
EthereumApeERC20ERC4626 DeFiPythonSmart Contracts

Solidity vs Vyper

In this guide, we will cover the pros and cons of Solidity and Vyper.

Created August 18, 2021Beginner
Smart ContractsSolidity

How to Write a Secure Smart Contract in Vyper

In this guide we will show you Solidity's lesser-known cousin Vyper. We will walk through what Vyper is, why you may want to use it, and how to deploy a smart contract written in Vyper to an Ethereum testnet.

Created February 7, 2021Intermediate
EthereumMetaMaskPythonSmart Contracts

How to write an Ethereum smart contract using Vyper

In this article, you will learn how to create an Ethereum smart contract using Vyper.

Created February 7, 2020Intermediate
EthereumMetaMaskPythonSmart Contracts