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🎙️ On-Chain Report ep3: Zero Knowledge Cryptography with Brendan Farmer
In episode 3, we met with Brendan Farmer, co-founder at Polygon, to talk zero-knowledge cryptography and the rise of the zkEVM.
Created August 18, 2023BeginnerVideo
PolygonzkEVMOn-Chain ReportZero-Knowledge Proofs
🎥 Key Differences Between zk Chains
Learn about the key differences between the leading zk chains including zkSync, Loopring, and Polygon zkEVM.
Created April 28, 2023BeginnerVideo
zkEVMzkSyncCryptographyLoopringRollupZero-Knowledge Proofs
How to Create and Deploy a Smart Contract on Polygon zkEVM
This guide will teach you how to create and deploy a coin flip smart contract on the Polygon zkEVM testnet using Remix.IDE and QuickNode.
Created March 29, 2023Intermediate
PolygonzkEVMRemix.IDESmart Contracts
What is Polygon zkEVM?
This guide will give you an overview of Polygon zkEVM and its use for smart contracts, allowing developers to create secure and private decentralized applications.
Created March 23, 2023Beginner
PolygonzkEVMZero-Knowledge Proofs