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Ethereum Transaction Report Application

The Ethereum Transaction Report app fetches and analyzes Ethereum transactions for a given address using QuickNode's EVM Blockbook add-on, providing detailed reports within a specified date range.

Frontend Framework/Library:
Build Tool/Development Server:
Sample app preview


This application fetches and analyzes Ethereum transactions for a given address using QuickNode's EVM Blockbook add-on, providing detailed reports within a specified date range. It identifies transaction direction (incoming or outgoing), confirmation status, and token transfers across ERC-20, ERC-721, and ERC-1155 assets. Users can filter by transaction type (normal, internal, or token) and date range, with support for time zone selection. Additionally, it offers a wallet summary with balance, nonce, and transaction counts.

For an in-depth guide on how to build this app, refer to our comprehensive guide on QuickNode

Tech Stack

  • Frontend Framework/Library: React
  • Language: TypeScript
  • Build Tool/Development Server: Vite


  • Transaction Direction: Identifies whether transactions are incoming or outgoing.
  • Confirmation Status: Determines whether transactions are confirmed.
  • Token Transfers: Includes details for ERC-20, ERC-721, and ERC-1155 token transfers.
  • Transaction Filtering: Detects normal, internal and token transactions.
  • Date Range Filtering: Generates reports for transactions within a specified date range.
  • Time Zone Selection: Performs date filtering according to the selected timezone.
  • CSV Support: Ability to export or copy results as a CSV file.
  • Wallet Summary: Displays a summary of the wallet address, including current balance, nonce, total transactions, non-token transactions, and internal transactions.

Getting Started


To run this app, you'll need:

Run the commands below to install TypeScript and ts-node globally to have TypeScript available across all projects.

npm install -g typescript ts-node

Installation Dependencies

  1. Clone the repository to your local machine:
git clone

  1. Navigate to the project directory:
cd sample-dapps/ethereum-transaction-report-generator

  1. Install the necessary dependencies:
npm install

Setting Environment Variables

Rename .env.example to .env and replace the YOUR_QUICKNODE_ETHEREUM_ENDPOINT_URL placeholder with your QuickNode Ethereum Node Endpoint. Make sure that the Blockbook RPC add-on is enabled.


Please note that while we utilize dotenv for environment variable management, sensitive information like endpoints can still be visible on the frontend. This configuration is not recommended for production environments as-is.

Running the Application

Run the development server:

npm run dev

Open http://localhost:5173/ with your browser to see the application.

Using the App

  1. Input an Ethereum wallet address.
  2. (Optional) Select date range and time zone.
  3. Press Generate.
  4. (Optional) Export or copy results as CSV.

The Ethereum Transaction Report Generator application will query the Ethereum blockchain for the wallet's transactions, filter these transactions data and calculate additional variables. Lastly, the app display results.




QuickNode's EVM Blockbook add-on facilitates the creation of detailed Ethereum transaction reports for developers and businesses alike. While this application covers the fundamentals, there's a vast scope for customization and extended functionalities. Whether for audit purposes, regulatory compliance, or market analysis, the Blockbook add-on streamlines the process of extracting blockchain data.

To discover more about how QuickNode assists auditing firms and individuals in extracting this type of data from blockchains, please contact us; we're eager to engage with you!

Contributions & Feedback
We'd love to hear your feedback and welcome any contributions to this sample app!
To report issues or share feedback, open a GitHub issue in the qn-guide-examples repository.
To contribute, follow these steps:
  1. Fork the repository
  2. Create a feature branch:
    git checkout -b feature/amazing-feature
  3. Commit your changes:
    git commit -m "Add amazing feature"
  4. Push your branch:
    git push origin feature/amazing-feature
  5. Open a Pull Request.