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Getting Started with Key-Value Store

Updated on
Dec 27, 2024


Key-Value Store is a robust data storage solution that enables you to manage extensive lists of datapoints, such as hundreds (or millions) of wallet addresses, and key value sets. With Key-Value Store, you can update your lists and key-value sets on demand, manage and use them at any time via REST API or seamlessly within your Streams filter.

Why Key-Value Store?

When you are dealing with large volumes of data, efficient storage and quick retrieval are critical. Key-Value Store seamlessly integrates with Streams, enabling you to easily evaluate your lists and key-value sets against streaming real-time and historical data with ease, manage your lists and sets, and track datapoints block-over-block with high efficiency.

This solution is particularly useful for use cases that require tracking, updating and evaluating large datasets in real-time, such as:

  • Wallet and portfolio applications that want to track the activity of a large, dynamic list of wallet addresses
  • Tracking and checking token holdings
  • Applications that track and alert on changes in values over time

Key-Value Store Features

  • Scalable Data Management - Manage, access, and evaluate large lists of data, such as millions of addresses or other data points, with ease.
  • Real-Time Updates - Update your data on demand and access it instantly.
  • API Access - Interact with your lists and key value sets via REST API.
  • Streams Integration - Use Key-Value Store seamlessly within Streams filters for enhanced data processing capabilities.
  • High Performance - Key-Value Store features ultra-fast access time for efficient data lookup and updates.

Example Use Cases

  • Wallet Address Management: Manage lists of wallet addresses to evaluate against streaming data.
  • Historical Data Tracking: Track values over time for various metrics.
  • Data Analysis: Calculate deltas and other statistics over large datasets.
  • Build Your Own API: Create lists and sets using Key-Value Store with Streams filters, and create API endpoints with Functions to interact with the data.

By leveraging the Key-Value Store, you can enhance and customize Streams, enabling you to create more sophisticated, efficient, and responsive streaming datasets based on your specifications.

Feature Availability & Costs

Key-Value Store Beta is now available to users on all QuickNode plans. For more details, check out the pricing page.


Access Key-Value Store within Streams in the QuickNode Developer Portal, within Functions and via Key-Value Store REST API.

Using Key-Value Store with Streams filters


Key-Value Store items are case-sensitive. This is particularly important to remember when working with blockchain addresses, as they must be entered exactly as they appear onchain.

Key-Value Store can be accessed and managed seamlessly within a Streams filter. You can create new lists and key-value sets, add and remove items from your lists, update key-value sets, and evaluate your Key-Value Store data against streaming blockchain data.

Use lists when you want to associate many values to one key, for instance you could manage and evaluate a large list of wallet addresses by adding them as items to a list called addresses.

Use key value sets when you want to store datapoints for easy retrieval and updating, for instance you could calculate the average gas price in a block and store the value with they key gasPrice, and then retrieve it in the next block to calculate the delta.

Available Key-Value Store Functions inside your Streams Filter


  • qnUpsertList: Creates or updates a new list in Key-Value Store.
  • qnGetList: Retrieves all items from a specific list in Key-Value Store.
  • qnGetAllLists: Retrieves all lists in Key-Value Store.
  • qnAddListItem: Adds an item to a specific list in Key-Value Store.
  • qnRemoveListItem: Removes an item from a specific list in Key-Value Store.
  • qnContainsListItem: Checks if an item exists in a specific list in Key-Value Store.
  • qnDeleteList: Deletes a specific list in Key-Value Store.

Example Filter Code for Lists

The filter code below can be used within Streams to demonstrate ways that Key-Value Store lists can be used within your Streams filter. You can deploy this example with one click here.

function main() {
// List of results for each operation
let results = {};

try {
// Create a new list
results.createList = qnUpsertList("list_docs_example", {
add_items: ["item1", "item2"],

// Update a list
results.qnUpsertList = qnUpsertList("list_docs_example", {
add_items: ["item3"],
remove_items: ["item1"],

// Get a list
results.qnGetList = qnGetList("list_docs_example");

// Get all lists
results.qnGetAllLists = qnGetAllLists();

// Add item to the list
results.qnAddListItem4 = qnAddListItem("list_docs_example", "item4");
results.qnAddListItem5 = qnAddListItem("list_docs_example", "item5");

// Remove item from the list
results.qnRemoveListItem4 = qnRemoveListItem("list_docs_example", "item4");

// Get a list after changes
results.qnGetListAfterChanges = qnGetList("list_docs_example");

// Check if an item is in the list
results.qnContainsListItem2 = qnContainsListItem("list_docs_example", "item2");
results.qnContainsListItem1 = qnContainsListItem("list_docs_example", "item1");

// Delete the list
results.qnDeleteList = qnDeleteList("list_docs_example");
} catch (error) {
results.error = error.message;

return results;

Example return

"createList": "OK",
"qnAddListItem4": "OK",
"qnAddListItem5": "OK",
"qnContainsListItem1": false,
"qnContainsListItem2": true,
"qnDeleteList": "OK",
"qnGetAllLists": [
"qnGetList": [
"qnGetListAfterChanges": [
"qnRemoveListItem4": "OK",
"qnUpsertList": "OK"


  • qnAddSet: Creates a key-value set in Key-Value Store.
  • qnBulkSets: Creates and removes bulk key-value sets in Key-Value Store.
  • qnDeleteSet: Deletes a key-value set from Key-Value Store.
  • qnGetSet: Retrieves the value of a specific key from Key-Value Store.
  • qnListAllSets: Lists all keys for sets in Key-Value Store.

Example Filter Code for Key-Value Store Sets

The filter code below can be used within Streams to demonstrate ways that Key-Value Store sets can be used within your Streams filter. You can deploy this example with one click here.

function main() {
// List of results for each operation
let results = {};

try {
// Create a set
results.qnAddSet = qnAddSet("set_docs_example", "value1");

// Get a set
results.qnGetSet = qnGetSet("set_docs_example");

// Get all sets
results.qnListAllSets = qnListAllSets();

// Bulk add/remove sets
results.qnBulkSets = qnBulkSets({
add_sets: {
"set_docs_example2": "value1",
"set_docs_example3": "value2"
delete_sets: ["set_docs_example1"]

// Get all sets after bulk
results.qnListAllSets2 = qnListAllSets();

// Delete key values
results.qnDeleteSet2 = qnDeleteSet("set_docs_example2");
results.qnDeleteSet3 = qnDeleteSet("set_docs_example3");

} catch (error) {
results.error = error.message;

return results;

Example Return

"qnAddSet": "OK",
"qnBulkSets": "OK",
"qnDeleteSet2": "OK",
"qnDeleteSet3": "OK",
"qnGetSet": "value1",
"qnListAllSets": [
"qnListAllSets2": [

Using Key-Value Store with Functions

Key-Value Store can be accessed and managed seamlessly within a function. You can create new lists and key-value sets, add and remove items from your lists, update key-value sets, retrieve set value, and check if data matches an item on your list. To learn more about functions, please visit the Functions documentation

Example function code for Key-Value Store

The function code below demonstrates how Key-Value Store lists and sets can be used within your function.

async function main(params) {
const results = {};

try {
// Test qnGetAllLists
results.qnGetAllLists = await qnLib.qnGetAllLists();

// Test qnDeleteList
results.qnDeleteList = await qnLib.qnDeleteList("testList");

// Test qnAddListItem
results.qnAddListItem = await qnLib.qnAddListItem("testList", "testItem");

// Test qnContainsListItem
results.qnContainsListItem_before_remove = await qnLib.qnContainsListItem("testList", "testItem");

// Test qnRemoveListItem
results.qnRemoveListItem = await qnLib.qnRemoveListItem("testList", "testItem");

// Test qnContainsListItem
results.qnContainsListItem_after_remove = await qnLib.qnContainsListItem("testList", "testItem");

// Test qnGetList
results.qnGetList = await qnLib.qnGetList("testList");

// Test qnUpsertList
results.qnUpsertList = await qnLib.qnUpsertList("testList", { add_items: ["item1"], remove_items: ["item2"] });

// Test qnDeleteSet
results.qnDeleteSet = await qnLib.qnDeleteSet("testSet");

// Test qnAddSet
results.qnAddSet = await qnLib.qnAddSet("testSet", "testValue");

// Test qnGetSet
results.qnGetSet = await qnLib.qnGetSet("testSet", params);

// Test qnListAllSets
results.qnListAllSets = await qnLib.qnListAllSets();

// Test qnBulkSets
results.qnBulkSets = await qnLib.qnBulkSets({ add_sets: { key1: "value1" }, delete_sets: ["key2"] });

} catch (error) {
console.error("Error during method tests:", error);

// Return the results
return {
message: "Method test results",
results: results


The function main must be async if you are accessing Key-Value Store within your function.

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