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Lens Profile Followed or Unfollowed

Updated on
Dec 27, 2024

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Lens Protocol is a decentralized social graph framework built on blockchain technology, designed to enable users and developers to own and control their interactions and data. It operates as an open-source foundation for building various social media applications, ensuring data portability and user sovereignty over content and connections.

Lens Protocol profiles are unique, blockchain-based identities created by users on the Lens Protocol network. These profiles represent a user's digital identity and are used to interact with various decentralized applications (dApps) built on the Lens Protocol, enabling users to control their data, content, and social connections in a secure and transparent manner.

Using QuickAlerts we will track when a Lens profile is followed or unfollwed.

Lens Profile Followed

The Lens Protocol Profiles smart contract emits the following event whenever someone follows an account on Lens Protocol:

Followed (index_topic_1 uint256 followerProfileId, uint256 idOfProfileFollowed, uint256 followTokenIdAssigned, bytes followModuleData, bytes processFollowModuleReturnData, address transactionExecutor, uint256 timestamp)

To create our expression, we will need to target three values:

  1. The Lens Protocol Profiles contract address - We'll use the contract address of the Lens Protocol Profiles contract deployed on the Polygon PoS Mainnet. This value gets set as the tx_logs_address, as we will be looking for any transactions from this address (the contract).
  2. The event the contract emits when the action we're interested in occurs - In this case, we'll target Followed event. On EVM blockchains, the event is encoded and can be found in tx_logs_topic0. To get the encoded value, you will need to take the event definition (event name and parameters' types), run it through the Keccak-256 hash function, and prefix it with 0x.



  1. The Lens Id to be tracked - We'll track for an event when a particular lens id is followed. Data in transaction logs are in the hexadecimal format, so we'll need to convert our Lens id to hexadecimal format using a tool similar to this. For example, the Lens id 115057 in hexadecimal format will be 1C171. This value is emitted in the data field of the transaction along with a lot of other data. So, we will use Regex Comparators to search for the id value in the data. This value gets set as the tx_logs_data.

Lens Profile Unfollowed

The Lens Protocol Profiles smart contract emits the following event whenever someone unfollows an account on Lens Protocol:

Unfollowed (index_topic_1 uint256 unfollowerProfileId, uint256 idOfProfileUnfollowed, address transactionExecutor, uint256 timestamp)

To create our expression, we will need to target three values:

  1. The Lens Protocol Profiles contract address - We'll use the contract address of the Lens Protocol Profiles contract deployed on the Polygon PoS Mainnet. This value gets set as the tx_logs_address, as we will be looking for any transactions from this address (the contract).
  2. The event the contract emits when the action we're interested in occurs - In this case, we'll target Unfollowed event. On EVM blockchains, the event is encoded and can be found in tx_logs_topic0. To get the encoded value, you will need to take the event definition (event name and parameters' types), run it through the Keccak-256 hash function, and prefix it with 0x.



  1. The Lens Id to be tracked - We'll track for an event when a particular lens id is unfollowed. Data in transaction logs are in the hexadecimal format, so we'll need to convert our Lens id to hexadecimal format using a tool similar to this. For example, the Lens id 115057 in hexadecimal format will be 1C171. This value is emitted in the data field of the transaction along with a lot of other data. So, we will use Regex Comparators to search for the id value in the data. This value gets set as the tx_logs_data.
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