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Chainlink Guides

5 guides
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How to Build a Secure dApp with AML and CFT Compliance

A walkthrough of how to build a secure dApp with AML and CFT compliance using QuickNode Marketplace add-ons and Chainlink Functions.

Created March 20, 2025Intermediate
BaseEthereumdAppsFoundryMarketplaceMarketplace Add-onSecuritySmart Contracts

🎥 What is Chainlink's CCIP?

A video explaining what is Chainlink's CCIP and how it works.

Created October 14, 2023BeginnerVideo
CCIPCross-chainHardhatNFTsSmart Contracts

How to Mint an NFT Across Different Blockchains using Chainlink CCIP

In this guide, users learn how to mint an NFT on one blockchain from another using the Chainlink Cross-Chain Interoperability Protocol (CCIP).

Created September 28, 2023IntermediateVideo
AvalanchePolygonCCIPCross-chainHardhatNFTsSmart Contracts

How to Use Chainlink VRF in Your Smart Contract

In this guide, we will teach you more about Chainlink VRF and how it works.

Created November 29, 2022Intermediate
EthereumJavaScriptRemix.IDESmart Contracts

How to Set Up a Chainlink Node

This guide will teach you how to set up a Chainlink node and connect it to the Ethereum network. By the end of this tutorial, you will have a working Chainlink node that can be used to provide data to smart contracts on the Ethereum network.

Created July 6, 2020Intermediate