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Cryptography Guides

6 guides
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How to Verify Message Signatures on Ethereum

In this guide, readers will cover the basics of private and public keys, signature generation, and verification. The guide contains step-by-step instructions for two approaches - one with basic JavaScript and the other with Ethers.js, a Web3 SDK. The guide also touches upon associated tools and vital security considerations for message signing.

Created October 22, 2023Intermediate
EthereumZero-Knowledge Proofs

How to Enable Token Privacy on Solana with Zero-Knowledge Proofs from Elusiv

This guide will teach you how to use Elusiv, a zero-knowledge (ZK) token privacy protocol on Solana. Elusiv enables developers to create tools that enable encrypted token accounts and transfers on Solana.

Created September 13, 2023Intermediate
SolanaJavaScriptPrivacySPL Token ProgramTypeScriptZero-Knowledge Proofs

🎥 Key Differences Between zk Chains

Learn about the key differences between the leading zk chains including zkSync, Loopring, and Polygon zkEVM.

Created April 28, 2023BeginnerVideo
zkEVMzkSyncLoopringRollupZero-Knowledge Proofs

How to Use Keccak256 Hash Function with Solidity

In this guide, we will teach you about the Keccak256 hash function and its use within Solidity smart contracts on Ethereum.

Created March 27, 2023Beginner
EthereumSmart ContractsSolidity

Intro to Zero-Knowledge Proofs

This guide will discuss a cryptographic protocol, Zero-Knowledge Proofs, and how they can help secure user data. It will also cover the types of Zero-Knowledge Proofs and explore the benefits and use cases it provides.

Created December 22, 2022IntermediateVideo
RollupZero-Knowledge Proofs

Introduction to Ethereum Rollups

This guide will cover on-chain and off-chain Ethereum scaling solutions and take a deep dive into Rollups.

Created December 28, 2021IntermediateVideo