Core API

by QuickNode

Focus on building your offering, let QuickNode handle the network upgrades, maintenance and scaling.
Supported Chains
matic.svgPolygon PoS
Solana LogoSolana
BNB Smart ChainBNB Smart Chain
arbitrum.svgArbitrum One
nova.svgArbitrum Nova
SDK Languages
TS and JS logoJavaScript/TypeScript
Preferred Partner
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Quick Fact

QuickNode's Core API serves more API responses than Google does search queries.

QuickNode RPC (Remote Procedure Call) plays a significant role in the development and operation of Web3 projects by providing developers with scalable, reliable, and easy-to-use access to blockchain networks. QuickNode is a blockchain infrastructure platform that supports various blockchain networks, including Ethereum, Bitcoin, Solana, and many others.

Easy Access to Blockchains

QuickNode provides a managed service that allows developers to easily connect to blockchain networks without needing to set up and maintain their own node infrastructure. This significantly lowers the barrier to entry for developers looking to build on blockchain technology.


As Web3 projects grow, they require more resources to handle increased traffic and data requests. QuickNode's infrastructure is designed to scale seamlessly, ensuring that applications remain fast and responsive as they grow. This means developers can focus on building their projects without worrying about infrastructure limitations.

Developer Tool Kits

QuickNode offers a suite of developer tools and analytics dashboards that help developers monitor their applications' performance, debug issues, and understand usage patterns. This can be invaluable for optimizing applications and improving user experiences.

Additional Tools by QuickNode

Talk with one of our experts to find out how to make your next project a success.