
by QuickNode

Optimized streaming with guaranteed delivery
Supported Chains
zkevm.svgPolygon zkEVM
matic.svgPolygon PoS
arbitrum.svgArbitrum One
nova.svgArbitrum Nova
Berachain Logo White on OrangeBerachain
value insights

Quick Fact

Streams integrates seamlessly into Functions, allowing you to automate your workflows with QuickNode's latest edge compute offering.

Streams provides a constant flow of the latest on-chain activity based on your data preference. Whether you're looking to backfill or follow the tip, Streams provides guaranteed exactly-once delivery.

Reorg-Proof for Real-Time Data

Some chains experience reorgs of over 100 blocks. Streams provides multiple solutions for addressing reorgs to ensure you're covered. Either trail the tip of the blockchain by a given set of blocks or get the data restreamed as soon as we identify the reorg.

Delivered to Your Destination

Streams will deliver data to the location of your choice, supporting all the most popular needs including:

  • Webhooks

  • PostgreSQL

  • Snowflake

  • S3 compatible storage

  • QuickNode Functions

Transform and Filter Out the Noise

Get the data you want, and nothing more. Write custom code to filter and transform the data, before you Stream it. This allows you to massively reduce your costs, since you only pay for what you stream.

Additional Tools by QuickNode