
by QuickNode

QuickAlerts enables you to leverage real-time blockchain data and advanced alerting to power your apps, so you can make DeFi trading decisions based on the specific data that matters to you.
Supported Chains
zkevm.svgPolygon zkEVM
matic.svgPolygon PoS
arbitrum.svgArbitrum One
nova.svgArbitrum Nova
Berachain Logo White on OrangeBerachain
value insights

Quick Fact

QuickAlerts is a game changer because it allows developers to target real-time blockchain events in their dApps.

QuickAlerts let you create a custom data feed containing the on-chain events you care about most, delivered directly to your webhook in real-time. With its intuitive expression language, you can easily configure notification triggers and target data from blocks, transactions, and logs. QuickAlerts expressions are highly flexible, allowing you to choose between broad or specific data targeting.


Receive real-time notifications for critical NFT events, including when they are minted, transferred, or added to collections.


Always be the first to know about changes to relevant tokens, price oracles, and liquidity pools.

Smart Contracts

Set up alerts for smart contract updates, including deployments, transfers, or custom-defined activities that matter to you.

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