Utilizing Key-Value store with Functions enables you to manage dynamic Solana wallet portfolios and fetch their balances. Function features:
- Fully typed code
- Create a function with multiple instructions
- Utilize Key-Value Store for storing and retrieving data
- Track and fetch portfolio details of Solana wallets
A full guide on how to create and deploy this funciton can be found here.
Sample Function
The following is the code for the Function in JavaScript Node.js v20
'use strict'
Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true })
exports.main = void 0
const web3_js_1 = require('@solana/web3.js')
const ENDPOINT = 'https://example.solana-mainnet.quiknode.pro/123/' // 👈 Replace with your endpoint
// Helper functions
function isValidSolanaAddress(address) {
try {
new web3_js_1.PublicKey(address)
return true
} catch (error) {
return false
function validateInput(params) {
const validInstructions = [
if (!validInstructions.includes(params.user_data.instruction)) {
throw new Error(
`Invalid instruction: ${
}. Must be one of: ${validInstructions.join(', ')}`
if (!params.user_data.portfolioName) {
throw new Error('Portfolio name is required')
if (params.user_data.instruction === 'updatePortfolio') {
if (!params.user_data.addAddresses && !params.user_data.removeAddresses) {
throw new Error(
'At least one of addAddresses or removeAddresses is required for updatePortfolio instruction'
if (params.user_data.addAddresses) {
const invalidAddAddresses = params.user_data.addAddresses.filter(
addr => !isValidSolanaAddress(addr)
if (invalidAddAddresses.length > 0) {
throw new Error(
`Invalid Solana addresses: ${invalidAddAddresses.join(', ')}`
// Instruction handlers
async function createPortfolio(portfolioName) {
await qnLib.qnUpsertList(portfolioName, { add_items: [] })
return {
message: `Portfolio ${portfolioName} created successfully.`,
async function updatePortfolio(
addAddresses = [],
removeAddresses = []
) {
await qnLib.qnUpsertList(portfolioName, {
add_items: addAddresses,
remove_items: removeAddresses,
const updatedPortfolio = await qnLib.qnGetList(portfolioName)
return {
message: `Updated portfolio ${portfolioName}. Added ${addAddresses.length} addresses, removed ${removeAddresses.length} addresses.`,
addresses: updatedPortfolio,
async function getPortfolio(portfolioName) {
const addresses = await qnLib.qnGetList(portfolioName)
return {
message: `Retrieved portfolio ${portfolioName}.`,
async function getPortfolioBalances(portfolioName) {
const addresses = await qnLib.qnGetList(portfolioName)
// @ts-ignore - Already validated in validateInput
const connection = new web3_js_1.Connection(ENDPOINT)
const balances = await Promise.all(
addresses.map(async address => {
const publicKey = new web3_js_1.PublicKey(address)
const balance = await connection.getBalance(publicKey)
return {
balance: balance / web3_js_1.LAMPORTS_PER_SOL,
return {
message: `Retrieved balances for portfolio ${portfolioName}.`,
// Main function
async function main(params) {
try {
console.log('Received params:', JSON.stringify(params))
const { instruction, portfolioName, addAddresses, removeAddresses } =
switch (instruction) {
case 'createPortfolio':
return await createPortfolio(portfolioName)
case 'updatePortfolio':
return await updatePortfolio(
case 'getPortfolio':
return await getPortfolio(portfolioName)
case 'getPortfolioBalances':
return await getPortfolioBalances(portfolioName)
throw new Error('Invalid instruction')
} catch (error) {
console.error('Error:', error)
return {
message: 'An error occurred',
portfolioName: params.user_data.portfolioName,
error: error instanceof Error ? error.message : String(error),
exports.main = main
We will invoke the function with the following cURL command. A few notes:
- Replace the YOUR_API_KEY with your own QuickNode API key - follow this guide for creating an API key.
- Replace the FUNCTION_ID with the ID of your Function - you can find this in the URL when viewing your Function in the QuickNode Dashboard.
- Network and block_number values are not passed in this function.
- Custom parameters are passed in a user_data object. In the case of the createPortfolio instruction:
- You define the instruction as one of the options in our function.
- You define the portfolioName as the name of the portfolio you want to create.
curl -X POST "https://api.quicknode.com/functions/rest/v1/functions/FUNCTION_ID/call?result_only=true" \
-H "accept: application/json" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "x-api-key: YOUR_API_KEY" \
-d '{
"user_data": {
"instruction": "createPortfolio",
"portfolioName": "TEST"
Resulting in the following response:
"message": "Portfolio TEST created successfully.",
"portfolioName": "TEST"
Learn more about QuickNode Functions.
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