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IPFS Guides

12 guides
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How to Mint an NFT on Eclipse Using Nifty Asset Standard

In this guide, you will learn how to mint an NFT on Eclipse mainnet using the Nifty JavaScript client and the QuickNode IPFS Gateway.

Created August 16, 2024Beginner
SolanaJavaScriptNFTsNiftyQuickNode ProductTypeScriptUmi

How to Build a Real-Time Token Transfer Indexer with QuickNode Streams and Functions

In this guide, we'll walk you through creating a real-time token transfer indexer using QuickNode's Streams and Functions. This system will monitor ERC20, ERC721, and ERC1155 token transfers on the Base blockchain, process the data, and send enriched information to a webhook for further use.

Created July 27, 2024Intermediate
BaseERC-721ERC1155ERC20FunctionsQuickNode ProductRPCStreams

How to Launch an NFT Collection with Metaplex Core Candy Machine

In this guide, you will learn how to create and launch an NFT collection using Metaplex Core and the Candy Machine.

Created May 10, 2024Intermediate
SolanaCandy MachineJavaScriptMetaplexNFTsTypeScript

How To Create and Mint an SPL Token using Solidity and Solang

In this guide, you will learn how to create and mint an SPL token using Solidity and Solang with Anchor.

Created January 31, 2024Beginner
SolanaAnchorMetaplexSolana-Web3.jsSolangSoliditySPL Token ProgramTypeScript

How to Create a Fungible SPL Token on Solana with Metaplex

In this guide, we will learn how to create a fungible (SPL) token with metadata on Solana's Devnet using the new Metaplex Token Standard and Metaplex umi.

Created January 4, 2024BeginnerVideo
SolanaJavaScriptMetaplexSolana-Web3.jsSPL Token ProgramTypeScript

🎥 How to Create an NFT Collection with AI, IPFS, and Foundry

Learn how to create an NFT Collection using AI to generate the images, Foundry to deploy the contract, and IPFS for decentralized storage.

Created December 29, 2023IntermediateVideo
EthereumAIFoundryNFTsQuickNode Product

🎥 What is IPFS?

A video explaining what is IPFS and how it works.

Created August 7, 2023BeginnerVideo
EthereumQuickNode Product

How to Create and Host a Blog with IPFS using QuickNode

In this guide, you will learn how to create a blog website using HTML/CSS/JavaScript and then learn how to serve your website on IPFS using QuickNode.

Created June 23, 2023BeginnerVideo
EthereumJavaScriptQuickNode Product

How To Mint A Music NFT on BNB Smart Chain

In this guide, you will create and deploy a piece of music as an ERC721 NFT to the BSC Testnet using Remix and MetaMask.

Created September 30, 2022Intermediate
BNB Smart ChainNFTsRemix.IDESolidity

How to Create and Deploy an ERC-721 (NFT)

This guide will show you how to create and deploy an ERC-721 token.

Created March 28, 2022IntermediateVideo
EthereumJavaScriptNFTsQuickNode ProductRemix.IDESolidity