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dApps Guides

29 guides
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Create a Solana Copy Trading Bot Using

In this guide, we will walk through how to use QuickNode's Metis API and Yellowstone gRPC to create a Solana trading bot that copies trades on the DEX.

Updated January 28, 2025Intermediate

How to Create a Token Allowance Checker App

In this guide, learn to create an ERC-20 token allowance checker app using QuickNode Streams and PostgreSQL.

Updated August 14, 2024IntermediateVideo

How to Track DEX Wallet Trading Performance using Syve's APIs

In this guide, we'll walk you through building a wallet performance analyzer app using Syve's DEX Price Data & Wallet Tracking APIs. This application allows users to enter a wallet address and analyze trading performance metrics, such as profit and loss, for each token traded.

Updated August 12, 2024Intermediate

How to Create an ERC-20 Token Factory dApp

In this guide, you will learn how to create an EVM Token Factory dApp to allow users to create their own ERC-20 token in a couple of clicks.

Updated June 8, 2024Intermediate
EthereumdAppsSmart Contracts

How to Build a Crypto Portfolio Tracker with the Crypto Market Data API Marketplace Add-on

In this guide, you will learn how to build a Crypto Portfolio Tracker using CoinAPI's Crypto Market Data API to analyze cryptocurrency portfolios with real-time and historical market data.

Updated June 5, 2024Intermediate

How to Generate Ethereum Transaction Reports with Blockbook

This guide will teach you how to use QuickNode's Blockbook add-on to create detailed transaction reports for an Ethereum address, covering all its transactions, including standard transfers and ERC-20 token activities, within a time period you define.

Updated May 22, 2024Intermediate

How to Generate Bitcoin Transaction Reports with Blockbook

This guide will teach you how to use QuickNode's Blockbook add-on to create detailed transaction reports for a Bitcoin address, covering all its transactions in a time period you define.

Updated March 8, 2024Intermediate

Create a Solana Trading Bot Using Jupiter API

In this guide, we will walk through how to use Jupiter's v6 API and QuickNode's Metis add-on to create a simple Solana trading bot.

Updated February 9, 2024IntermediateVideo
SolanaJavaScriptTypeScriptMetis - Jupiter V6 Swap APIDeFidAppsMarketplace

How to Build a Real-Time Bitcoin Wallet Analytics App

Learn how to build a Bitcoin wallet analytics app that shows given address's balance, real-time fiat money equivalent, transaction statistics, and balance change graph using QuickNode's Blockbook add-on.

Updated December 13, 2023Intermediate

How to Build an ERC20 Token Balance App with QuickNode SDK

In this guide, you will learn how to build an ERC20 token balance app with the QuickNode SDK.

Updated November 15, 2023Intermediate
EthereumJavaScriptReactdAppsMarketplaceQuickNode SDK