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How to Set Up Method Rate Limits with QuickNode

Updated on
Mar 18, 2025

11 min read


Rate limiting is crucial for preventing API abuse and ensuring your endpoint's resources remain within the intended usage thresholds. QuickNode provides flexible method rate-limiting mechanisms that allow you to set precise limits on individual API methods, controlling the frequency of specific endpoint calls. This guide will walk you through setting up, testing, and monitoring method specific rate limits on your QuickNode endpoints to optimize and control your API usage.

Let's get started!

What You Will Need

  • Basic understanding of interacting with blockchain RPC methods
  • A QuickNode account (create a free account here)
  • A QuickNode endpoint
  • Node.js installed
  • A Terminal window

What You Will Do

  • Learn about rate limiting with QuickNode
  • Configure rate limits through the QuickNode dashboard
  • Test rate limits using different methods on Ethereum and Solana

Rate Limiting by IP

IP-based rate limiting allows you to control the total number of requests that can be made from a single IP address, regardless of the method being called. This provides a baseline protection against abuse and helps ensure fair usage across all clients accessing your endpoint.

Understanding IP Rate Limits

  • Limits apply to the total number of requests from an IP address
  • Limits can be set for different time intervals (per second, minute, or day)
  • Limits apply across all methods unless a more specific method limit exists

Rate Limit by Method

Method rate limiting allows you to define different request limits for specific REST, RPC, or gRPC methods. This granular control helps optimize your endpoint's performance and manage costs effectively.

Understanding Method Rate Limits

  • Set unique limits for individual RPC methods (e.g., control how many requests you can make to eth_getBlock, getAccountInfo)
  • Control request frequency per method (e.g., requests per second/minute/day)

HTTP Protocol Considerations

  • Rate limits apply to all HTTP POST requests
  • Each method call counts against its specific limit
  • Synchronous responses count as single requests

WebSocket (WSS) Protocol Considerations

  • Limits apply to initial subscription requests
  • Subscription responses don't count against limits

Note: Method rate limits apply to requests and not responses.

How to Set Up Method Rate Limits

You can configure method rate limits via a Dashboard UI or programmatically.

Dashboard Method

  1. Log into your QuickNode dashboard
  2. Select your endpoint (create one for Ethereum or Solana mainnet if you haven't already)
  3. Navigate to the Security tab
  4. Find the Method Limits section to customize your rate limits

QuickNode Method Limits

Console API Method

You can also manage method rate limits programmatically using the Console API. Here are some common operations:

Gets method rate limits.

curl -X 'GET' \
'{id}/method-rate-limits' \
-H 'accept: application/json' \
-H 'x-api-key: YOUR_API_KEY'

Replace {id} with your endpoint ID and {method_rate_limit_id} with the specific rate limit ID you want to modify or delete.

When adding a new method rate limit, you'll need to specify the exact RPC method name and set your request frequency. You can configure limits per second, minute, or day. For this guide, we'll set up the following configuration for testing purposes:

  • eth_blockNumber: 1 requests/minute
  • eth_subscribe: 1 requests/minute

For the purposes of this guide, set the rate limits above for each method (pick the chain based on your preference). Once set, it'll look like this in your dashboard:

Method Rate Limits

Now, let's create the scripts to test the method rate limits.

Testing Your Rate Limits

Let's create a simple Node.js script to test our rate limits. First, create a folder, initialize a npm project and create files for testing:

mkdir rate-limits
cd rate-limits
npm init --y
npm install axios ethers @solana/web3.js@2
echo > http.js
echo > wss.js

Then, update your package.json to use "type":"module" so you can use import statements (e.g., import { ethers } from 'ethers).

Now, we'll demonstrate what happens when you exceed your configured limits. In this example, we'll work with a rate limit of 1 request per minute for the eth_blockNumber method and eth_subscribe (as mentioned above).

Add the code to each appropriate file and remember to replace the YOUR_QUICKNODE_HTTP_ENDPOINT with your actual HTTP endpoint when testing the HTTP endpoint and the WSS endpoint when testing the WSS endpoint


const axios = require('axios');


async function makeRequest() {
const payload = {
jsonrpc: '2.0',
id: 1,
method: 'eth_blockNumber',
params: []

try {
const response = await, payload);
console.log(`[${new Date().toISOString()}] Success:`,
return true;
} catch (error) {
if (error.response?.status === 429) {
console.log(`[${new Date().toISOString()}] Rate limit exceeded. ` +
`Try again in ${error.response.headers['retry-after']} seconds`);
} else {
console.error(`[${new Date().toISOString()}] Error:`, error.message);
return false;

async function demonstrateRateLimit() {
console.log('Making first request - should succeed');
await makeRequest();

console.log('\nMaking second request immediately - should fail');
await makeRequest();

console.log('\nWaiting 60 seconds...');
await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 60000));

console.log('\nMaking request after waiting - should succeed');
await makeRequest();


/* Example output:

Making first request - should succeed
[2025-01-30T19:15:05.703Z] Success: 21739376

Making second request immediately - should fail
[2025-01-30T19:15:05.817Z] Rate limit exceeded. Try again in undefined seconds

Waiting 60 seconds...

Making request after waiting - should succeed
[2025-01-30T19:16:06.140Z] Success: 21739381



import { createSolanaRpc, address } from "@solana/web3.js";

const ACCOUNT = "7cVfgArCheMR6Cs4t6vz5rfnqd56vZq4ndaBrY5xkxXy";

async function testRateLimit() {
const solanaRpc = createSolanaRpc(ENDPOINT);
const searchAddress = address(ACCOUNT);

try {
console.log(`[${new Date().toISOString()}] First request`);
const { value: accountInfo1 } = await solanaRpc.getAccountInfo(searchAddress).send();
console.log('First response:', accountInfo1);
} catch (e) {
console.error('First request error:', e);

try {
console.log(`[${new Date().toISOString()}] Second request`);
const { value: accountInfo2 } = await solanaRpc.getAccountInfo(searchAddress).send();
console.log('Second response:', accountInfo2);
} catch (e) {
console.error('Second request error:', e);

.finally(() => {
console.log('Test complete');

[2025-02-03T16:48:35.521Z] First request
First response: {
data: '',
executable: false,
lamports: 697460654305n,
owner: '11111111111111111111111111111111',
rentEpoch: 18446744073709551615n,
space: 0n

[2025-02-03T16:48:35.835Z] Second request
Second request error: SolanaError: HTTP error (429): Too Many Requests
at makeHttpRequest

Run each script (remember to input your endpoint URL) and analyze the outputs. You should see the first request go through and the second request fail (since it triggers the method rate limit). Note: this will not limit the rate of responses**.

And that's it! You just learned how to setup and test method rate limits on both EVM and SVM blockchains.

Monitoring and Troubleshooting

The QuickNode dashboard provides monitoring in the Analytics tab. Here you can track method-specific usage, identify response statuses, and breakdown over time. Use this information to fine-tune your rate limits and understanding your application's behavior. Additionally, you can use the Console API to view detailed metrics about your endpoint and usage.

Additional Resources

Want to learn more about securing your endpoint? Check out the following guides:

Wrap Up

Method rate limits provide powerful control over your QuickNode endpoint's performance and costs. By carefully configuring these limits and implementing proper handling in your application, you can ensure optimal performance while maintaining control over resource usage.

If you have any questions or need help, feel free to reach out to us on our Discord or Twitter.

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