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Smart Contracts Guides

85 guides
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EIP-7702 Implementation Guide: Build and Test Smart Accounts

In this guide, you'll learn how to build and test Ethereum smart accounts with batch transactions and sponsored gas, all powered by EIP-7702.

Created February 24, 2025Intermediate
EthereumAccount AbstractionEIP-7702FoundryViem

How to Create Hooks on Uniswap V4

This guide will demonstrate how to create Hooks on Uniswap V4 using Foundry and the uniswap-v4 hook template.

Created September 18, 2024Intermediate

How to Create and Deploy an ERC-777 Token

This guide will bring you up to speed with ERC-777 tokens and show you how to create, test and deploy them using Foundry.

Created August 23, 2024IntermediateVideo

What is Bankrun and How to Use it to Enhance Solana Local Development?

This guide will teach you how to use Bankrun to enhance your local Solana development experience.

Created July 19, 2024Intermediate

What is Amman and How to Use it to Enhance Solana Local Development?

This guide will demonstrate how to use Amman to enhance your local Solana testing experience.

Created July 11, 2024Intermediate

How to Create a Staking Vault Smart Contract with ApeWorX/ape

This guide teaches how to create and deploy a staking vault smart contract using the ApeWorX (ape) framework on Ethereum. It covers setting up an Ape project, writing ERC-20 and ERC-4626 vault contracts in Vyper, testing the contracts, and deploying them to the Sepolia testnet.

Created June 28, 2024Intermediate
EthereumApeERC20ERC4626 DeFiPythonVyper

How to Create Anchor Program Clients using Codama

This guide will show you how to create clients for your Anchor programs using Codama.

Created June 14, 2024Intermediate

How to Swap Tokens on Uniswap V3

This guide will demonstrate how to swap tokens on Uniswap V3 using the Uniswap SDK and Ethers.js

Created June 10, 2024Intermediate

How to Create an ERC-20 Token Factory dApp

In this guide, you will learn how to create an EVM Token Factory dApp to allow users to create their own ERC-20 token in a couple of clicks.

Created June 8, 2024Intermediate

How to Create and Use Solana Token Extensions Using Anchor

In this guide, you will learn how to utilize Solana Token Extensions using Anchor.

Created May 3, 2024Intermediate